From life paths to guided gyms in parks

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Quality Leap if validated by qualified technicians.

Although kinesiology has made strides, still today the gymnastics contain the same activities of 50 years ago, some considered contraindicated and are often uncommunicative in the cartels. If the user in the use of these routes does not clearly understand the activities recommended by the cartels, if it hurts, if it does not find the right ergonomies, if it encounters exaggerated loads or below the stimulating threshold, it gives up using the routes.
My thesis is that, also for the gymnasiums guided in the green spaces, some hygienic sanitary prescriptions would be necessary, as foreseen in all the regulations of regional hygiene, for the granting of the accessibility and licenses of the gyms.
I propose some indicators/quality requirements that would guarantee kinesiological validity to the gymnastic paths stating in the prescriptions: the designer or validator of the gymnastic path, possessing the title of teacher of physical education enabled , certifying the training value, the communicative qualities of the cartels, the versatility of use, the minimum sanitary suitability necessary for the user for the practice of the route, the updating of the activities at the current kinesiology, the absence of Contraindications.
I hope for gymnastics that respond to the needs of the primary motricity of the users to whom they are aimed and that promote the sport practice and the ecological style.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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