7 different activities to achieve elasticity, decongestion, decompression, relaxation, joint mobility, morphology, prevention and recovery readiness of all body sectors.
The distribution includes suspensions, trunk flexion, passive thigh extension with flexed leg, passive ankle dorsiflexion, lateral torso tilt, arm extensions, decongestant gait.
It includes: suspensions, trunk flexions, passive extension of the thigh with flexed leg, passive dorsiflexion of the ankle, lateral torso inclination, arm extensions, concluding decongestant gait. It allows the work of 7 athletes at the same time
4 uprights 9x9x300 with ergonomic crossbars m.t10x200, 2 base crossbars 9x9x150, 2 ergonomic benches 70x40x35, sign 92×65 in 4 different colours, 6 pictures.
1.600,00 € VAT excluded
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